High rope course and cat therapy

A snapshot of our whereabouts today, not the actual road routes.
Wowee, we are stiff and sore!

We pulled ourselves together, get of our bums and do something energetic.  On doing a bit of research, we found a high ropes course not too far from where we are staying, 'Adrenalin Forest' (http://www.adrenalin-forest.co.nz/bay-of-plenty)

Fortunately we didn't have to wear safety helmets during the high ropes course!  We had a great time, each high wire course getting more difficult. There was a family of four that started at the same time as us and start first on the first course.  When we got to the start of the second course we asked if we could go ahead of them (we moved faster than their group) and they were fine with it.  I managed five of the six courses, my muscles were too jellified to do the last one.  Paul did well by completing four.  We noticed that very few people went beyond three courses.

We decided to look for a waterfall and river to swim in but when we found one - the walking distance vs starting time/return time was not good and we would get back late.  So we may go tomorrow.  On the map there was another waterfall that wasn't too far away but the map was wrong - there was no waterfall.

We drove via the back roads to Rotorua and treated ourselves to a mug of hot chocolate at Fancy Meow Cafe (http://fancymeowcatcafe.co.nz/) where we interacted with .... CATS!  We had to remove our shoes in the reception area and then walked through two locked doors to get to the cafe and cats.  There were different sorts of pure bred cats and we could interact with them if they were up to it (cats have their own agenda!).  The atmosphere was very relaxed but we expected a bit more options to order from the cafe.  Anyway, we enjoyed a bit of purr therapy.

After the cat therapy we walked around a public park and dipped our feet in a hot spring foot bath, joining others seated around 2 foot baths in the park.  It was nice and relaxing but very smelly from the sulphur.

We finished the day off with a delicious meal at a Mexican restaurant before heading back to the hotel.

Time for a well earned hot bath and bed!


Adrenalin Forest

Going up!
This one is easy - just walk on the net

Swing into a cargo net

Step through the V shaped ropes and walk along the poles

Method in madness - swinging from one pole to the next

High up and a long way down, one way!

Nest with a view underneath one of the tree platforms

I'm done - I can't find the strength to do the last course.  Time to join Paul.
Fancy Meow Cafe

 Rotorua - park with hot spring lakes and hot spring foot bath

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